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2019 Cosmic New Year Resolution by Allan Ivarsson


2019 Cosmic New Year Resolution by Allan Ivarsson 

  1. To turn up the pressure for the global banning of ‘Blasphemy Law’ and elimination of every form of anti-freedom of speech law.
  2. To turn up the pressure for the establishment of 100% ‘Freedom of Speech’ & 100% ‘Freedom of Choice’ & 100% ‘Freedom of Equality’ in every Nation, on Planet Earth.
  3. To deal with the incompetence of the United Nations that failed to honour its 1945 commitment to prevent wars and to establish Global Peace. Allan knows why the UN failed but clearly by inaction, most Degree Qualified People in the World do not have a clue as to why the United Nations has evolved to become the most incompetent International Organisation that was ever created.
  4. To turn up the pressure for increase in Border Control in every Nation and to stop uncontrolled Migration Process.
  5. To turn up the pressure for the close down of the insidious totalitarian European Union.
  6. To expose why Saudi Arabia is the most dangerous country on Planet Earth.
  7. To deal responsibly with the Political Weaknesses of the Australian Federal Government and Opposition, driven by his duty as a ‘True Blue’ Aussie.
  8. To review the strategic welfare societal weaknesses of America.
  9. To review China’s progressive failings to understand why it needs ‘Cosmicism’ to strengthen its future by phasing out Communism and avoiding Western Mistakes.
  10. To investigate further all anti-freedom Socialist Political Leaders in the West that are focused on the destruction of ‘Freedom Values’.
  11. To expose and smash the credibility of anti-freedom of speech Socialist Psychology which is deliberately weakening the educational and societal structure in every Western Nation.
  12. To start an investigation of all CEO policies in the Australian Food Industry. Quality standards of manufactured food in Australia has substantially declined since 2001.
  13. To encourage a rebuild process of ‘Self-Sufficiency’ to make Australia strong again.
  14. To deal with the global Western Problem of Homelessness & Poverty.
  15. To work on the closure of paid Halal Certification in Australia.
  16. As for dealing with anti-freedom apartheid Islam that is a natural essential persistent subject that will not go away until the ‘Dark Truth about Islamic Doctrine’ is understood by every person that wants freedom from the dictatorship of ‘Sharia Law’, be they Muslim or non-Muslim.

I invite professional people around the world to write to me on

Allan Ivarsson 2018

Retired expert in Class ‘A’ World Class Manufacturing.

Consultant in Logistics Manufacturing & Philosophical Intelligence.

Founder, director, chairman of ‘things to come’ called ‘Cosmicism’.

Number One ‘Cosmic Philosopher’ in the World.

Authors Note Inserted 3rd August 2019.

“In late January 2019, I was informed that I had Cancer and thus began several months of medical tests plus Chemotherapy. My health was up and down constantly and I was forced to abandon my 2019 objectives, much to my disappointment. My fight with cancer is not over yet. I hope others out there around the globe will get involved and follow up action launching more activity for the expansion of these important objectives.”

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