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Morrison… Lockdowns “need to end” in Australia

Mr. Speaker…

“How Does Australian Parliament Serve Australians When So Many Seats Are Vacant?”

Allan Ivarsson 2021

Morrison… Lockdowns “need to end” in Australia

“Prime Minister Scott Morrison says lockdowns “need to end” in Australia, and future lockdowns “need to be avoided”.” (i)

A.I. comments… “Morrison you are correct, but you have no power, the State Premiers are overruling you.”

Kookaburra stays focused on empty seats for an opportunity to sit.


Transcript of Slide for those who want to copy it…

A.I. comments… Morrison you are correct, but you have no power, the State Premiers are overruling you. We need a Hierarchy where the States report to the Prime Minister and not to their own overzealous vanity. Are you tough enough for the job? You and I are both sons of coppers and so far, we Ivarsson’s are tougher than you Morrison’s.

The Provinces in Communist China report to XI Jinping Beijing, they are not allowed to do their own thing. Surely, we can enjoy Freedom Values in preference to Marxist Values and still retain a common-sense Hierarchy Federal Government.

Labour and the Greens are Marxist Socialists they are incompetent enemies.

“Help us ‘Obi-Wan this is our most desperate hour.” Teach the Liberal Party how to become smarter and tougher as protectors of ‘Freedom Values’.

“Prime Minister Scott Morrison says lockdowns “need to end” in Australia, and future lockdowns “need to be avoided”. (i)

“We know that because we know those lockdowns are taking a terrible toll on our country,” Mr. Morrison said.” (i)

“On the mental health of our citizens, and particularly of our young people … On our children and their education, on our families and on the jobs of Australians.” (i)

“All of these lockdowns and our response is taking a heavy toll.” (i)

“We can also not remain locked out of a global economy that is opening up again – with trade, and students and travel, tourists and essential workers and others who are needed to drive our economy forward.” (i)

To be continued…

“I Love You So… Australia as I watch ‘Freedom Vanishing’ I shall do my ‘Crying in the Rain’ and then I shall ‘Smile’ as I fight back for ‘Freedom’.

Allan Ivarsson 2021

Founder, director, chairman of ‘things to come’ called ‘Cosmicism’. The way of ‘Blue Light Cosmic Philosophy’, the way of ‘Cosmic Libertarianism’ which uses the most advanced intelligence in the Universe called ‘Philosophical Intelligence’.

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