The Bikini is both Pragmatic & Decent

A Reality that intellectually backward inferior thinking anti-freedom ‘Sharia Law’ cannot comprehend. This fact proves that ‘Islamic Doctrine’ is not compatible with ‘Freedom Values’ and thus by their intolerance of a free thinking society have proven themselves by their stupidity to be a bad cultural marriage and thus must be divorced from the West.

Such an objective is not only common-sense it is completely ‘Pragmatic’.

Pragmatism Essential

The following essay written in 1986, was published 2003 in the ‘Test Pilot Blue Light’ book in Sydney, Australia…

This brief treatise encourages people to insert pragmatism into their ‘Belief System’- something to think about…

A special thought for those readers that have never read philosophy previously. “If you can comprehend the essence of truth in the ‘Pragmatism’ essay and understand its contents, it means that you have developed reasonably good reading skills and have the advanced ability to learn ‘Philosophical Intelligence’. P.I. is the highest level of intelligence. If you are having difficulty understanding the ‘Pragmatism essay’, do not give up. Focus on improving your communication skills, by wide reading. Read some of the other Blue Light stories, in sequel publications, a mixture of fiction, fact and wisdom, written in a lighter, simpler fun reading easier style. To help you upgrade your insight and understanding read the complete works of Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931), his brilliant style is an essential lifetime experience. In years ahead read the essay ‘Pragmatism’ and other Blue Light works again- as your communication skills gradually improve, you will notice a constant improvement in your ability to understand ‘Blue Light’ records. Over ninety percent of global population can learn ‘Philosophical Intelligence’. The real question is… “How many people have the will power and persistent determination to master the ‘Art of Philosophical Intelligence’?”

Learn the way of Blue Light Cosmic Philosophy, and I can guarantee your mind will never be the same again. You will be wiser than ever before. A sense of true inner peace and contentment will fill your spirit. You will constantly year after year, ‘Become smarter’.


Creativity is not always Pragmatic but it is interesting and without creativity homo sapiens would be very boring creatures. 



(Revision 1: 2010)

By Author

The Scholar was intrigued by the theory of Pragmatism. He read excerpts from a book titled ‘Preface to Philosophy’. This book contains a collection of interesting sample ideas. Inspired to learn more, the Scholar obtained from the local library a copy of William James book ‘Pragmatism and Four Essays on the Meaning of Truth’. Moved by what he read the Scholars logical mind was shifted by the flow of feeling, which seemed to him to be of more purposeful value than pure logic and reason. Logic and reason seems to run around in circles chasing its tail, an idea following another, debate after debate, conflict after conflict, ideas never fully resolved, and concepts always questionable. The great battle of opinion moves forward century after century, millennium after millennium; the march of time travels never finding rest, never finding peace, the great quest, searching for truth, searching for resolution. Could it be that truth, the dilemma of life, truth the universal power of all existence lies already within us through the flow of feeling? Could it be that truth is simply and wisely a state of non-violence, and love, which inspires peace, is the only truth? Could it be that truth is simply benevolent behaviour founded upon the threefold standard value of integrity, chivalry, and ethics? These flows of feeling are of the highest truth, are they not?

Regardless of whether thou are a theist, deist, atheist, philosopher, scientist, dreamer, pragmatist, rationalist, empiricist, or whatever of any other concept; a reasonable person must agree that an honest, caring attitude of genuine humanitarian goodwill inspires the highest feelings of truthful action. And in this state of higher instinct, the flow of peace reaches out to all persons who share the joy of its activity. Thus, the Scholar in this state of feeling, became convinced that philosophy, which is consumed by intellectual reasoning, void of honest caring feeling, is valueless, meaningless, and therefore purposeless during existence. Logic and genius are states of empty purpose when they are placed ahead of feeling. Logic and genius are tools of existence, supportive functions, lower levels of aid to the highest state of feeling (not emotion), but spiritual feeling, that dimension of existence beyond material reason, beyond logical analysis, that point of timelessness which cannot be measured by science, politics or religion. A state that can only be felt through the heart, not materially seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelt: a flow of consciousness which can only be felt through the third state of existence, that power which is not truly describable, the power of the infinite spirit. (Gaia translated- spirit of the infinite spirit).

Changing his style to the ninth letter of Modern English and Roman alphabet, the subjective case, the ego of self-consciousness, the Scholar began his thesis with the word…

“I” … felt compelled to review the works of William James about Pragmatism. His literary lectures are deeply embedded in logical exposition. The constant flow of intellectual reason left me feeling somewhat bored in many parts of his essay. I laboured through the study searching for statements of revelation, which would open my eyes to a higher understanding of truth. The average person needs simplicity and is not interested in the voluminous struggle which philosophy affords its own development. Hence, I fail to see the value of philosophy if it fails to gain support and understanding from many the population. It seems to me therefore, that philosophy fails, because it wanders too far off course, drifting from one extreme idea to another alternative opposing concept. Defeated by its own logical precepts, pure philosophy trips over itself and is flattened by a crumbling wall of bricks and mortar reasoning, that is materialistic, intellectual exposition. Here lies its defeat. Combine poetry and parabolic thought with philosophy, and we have a potent magic of revelation so beautiful in feeling and truth that all who read its exposition cannot help but walk away with a new awareness and understanding. (iii)

Thus, poetic and parabolic philosophy reigns supreme over pure intellectual philosophy. Logic pushed back into second position by feeling. Nevertheless, William James skilfully records concepts which though often wandering in premise and presentation leads us towards an understanding of the value of pragmatism in the flow of all reason. I believe William James, who from this point forward, during this essay, I shall with a feeling of deep respect, simply refer to him as ‘WJ,’ could have simplified his thesis by going straight to the point of his concept. He could have concentrated on defining the subject of Pragmatism, its meaning, value and implications without excessive waffle. The average person would receive a summarised definition, and hence understanding of Pragmatism, much more readily if ‘WJ’ had recorded his awareness in simpler form. Such is the value of short essays, inspirational guidance poems, and poster philosophy.

Many parts of WJ’s thesis contain valuable verbatim statements in which case he leads straight to the point of his objective. In these moments of higher exposition, the reader gleans revelations of insight which becomes meaningful in the development of their consciousness. It is such verbatim statements, extracts of truth, which Cosmicism (ii) utilises to expand its Cosmic Consciousness beyond self. Conversely, it must also be understood, that the average person should strive to rise above themselves and read WJ’s depth with enthusiasm. Though effort is needed, it is time well spent. The benefits are threefold: One- an increased understanding of Pragmatism; Two- an upgraded communicative awareness; and Three- a greater feeling for a style that is brilliant in literary exposition.

Pragmatism is the philosophy of practical thought; in other words, Pragmatic Method analyses all doctrine to determine which is right and which is wrong.

William James states… “The Pragmatic Method is primarily a method of settling metaphysical disputes that otherwise might be interminable. Is the world one or many? -Fated or Free? -Material or Spiritual? -Here are notions either of which may or may not hold good of the world; and disputes over such notions are unending. The Pragmatic Method in such cases is to try to interpret each notion by tracing its respective practical consequences. What difference would it practically make to any one if this notion rather than that notion were true? If no practical difference whatever can be traced, then the alternatives mean practically the same thing, and all dispute is idle. Whenever a dispute is serious, we ought to be able to show some practical difference that must follow from one side or the other’s being right.” (i)

This is a noble thought. If we could solve all problems with practical resolution, life would be peacefully easy. This proposed practicality does not consistently exist. The problem remains, “Who is practically right?” Even the theory of practicality can become a point of view…

Should the Government have the right to claim a residence, to make way for a new highway, which will serve the population? Or should the retired homeowner who has lived on this land most of their life, for the last thirty years, be forced to move to make way for progress? Why should the long-time resident be forced to give up their security and comfort? They paid for their home with constant hard-working effort, so why should they give up their joy and tranquillity? Why should they have to accept disruption in their now relatively happy existence? Besides from their point of view what practical value is there to their existence by moving away from a place where they are currently content? Who is practically right? The Government or the Resident? Thus, Pragmatism wavers just as Rationalism and Empiricism would fail. The power (spirit) of feeling becomes reality, and majority feeling becomes the power (authority). Minor differences in feeling must unhappily give way to the forces of changing existence. Such is the pragmatic revelation of all feeling. To some persons an idea is proposed oppression, to others its justice and right of way. To some persons it’s correct, to others it’s wrong. It’s a point of view with no solution, no answer, because feeling is the final resolution. Add a touch of self-honesty, caring and goodwill and both parties must pragmatically conclude that the highway is essential, and that the person must move… the adage of countless ages will always be true: “The needs of the many out-weigh the needs of the few.” …

However, equally as reasonable and true, both parties must agree that the person must be more than adequately compensated for their inconvenience, by receiving assistance in the move, and an equal replacement standard of existence, plus the compensation of inconvenience and disruption money. This all may not eliminate the distress and hassles of being forced to move, but at least it will compensate financially the loss of their previous abode by maintaining their right to security. Cosmicism calculates this amount owing to the residence as an amount payable of no less than three times the market value of the property, plus moving costs. This market value of the property shall not include property value drop, when the market gained knowledge of the new proposed government development and subsequently loss interest in upholding true market value, by the law of supply and demand. Thus, Pragmatism with the aid of Cosmicism served well both points of view, neither party completely happy with the outcome, but nevertheless both are reasonably satisfied that justice prevailed, and clashing conflicts of interest were resolved amicably with practical resolution, fulfilled by feeling.

At this point, Cosmicism shall sidestep for a moment, and emphasise with respect to all emotions. We should not confuse ‘Light Spiritual Feeling,’ which develops positive direction, or ‘Dark Spiritual Feeling,’ which develops negative direction, with that of emotional feeling which is basically erratic response, and sometimes inspires positive direction, but often inspires negative direction. ‘Light Spiritual Feeling’ retains control over physical emotion, whereas emotional physical feeling free from ‘Light Spiritual Calm’ and self-control, will neglect the wholesome qualities of self-discipline, and thus will run wild, mindless, and out of control. Too often, such reckless emotionalism loses its intelligence and explodes into senseless action, creating conflict, violence and sometimes tragedy. Thus, pragmatic feeling is practical light spiritual feeling of calm, caring, and control, which inspires the practical state of honest caring concern for good behaviour, honourable intentions, and wholesome integrity.

Emotional Intelligence Lives in the Light of Calm, Carespirit, and Self-Control, linked with Cosmic Consciousness, which subscribes by conviction to the Highest Values of Ethics, Codes of Behaviour, and Truth, strengthened and maintained by the Id within ourself, Cosmic Instinct and Caring Conscience.

The word Pragmatism was derived from a Greek word, which means action. The words ‘Practical’ and ‘Practice’ are also derived from this same Greek source. Pragmatic philosophy is only one part of conceptual thought; it is a tool of analysis, which serves its purpose when relatively, used to resolve a problem. Pragmatism, which uses and relies entirely on logical analysis, is more than probably, doomed to failure. Pragmatism must be supportive to spiritual feeling, before practical analysis and judgement can provide a resolution of the right conclusion.

William James states… “It is astonishing to see how many philosophical disputes collapse into insignificance the moment you subject them to this simple test of tracing a concrete consequence. There can be no difference anywhere that doesn’t make a difference elsewhere- no difference in abstract truth that doesn’t express itself in a difference in concrete fact and in conduct consequent upon the fact, imposed on somebody, somehow, somewhere, and somewhen.” … W.J. concludes this paragraph… “The whole function of philosophy ought to be to find out what definite difference it will make to you and me, at definite instants of our life, if this world-formula or that world-formula be the true one.” (i)

Regardless of your background, education, environment or experience, any intelligent wiser person would agree with this simple fact: ‘A world-formula for want of a better word must have the desired result of freedom and peace’… Happiness is relative to attitude, and pleasure is a point of view. Thus, the common pursuit of all existence is freedom, and peace to live as one chooses without fear of subjugation. To achieve this end, pragmatic philosophy must conclude, that the laws of wholesome good spiritual existence demand integrity, caring, and calm as being essential to the achievement of freedom and peace. As part of this supreme living process, the laws of home, school, employment, and government, must also be conducive to the ideal goal of freedom and peace. To ensure this desired reality is maintained, a reasonable level of discipline must also be administered. Finally, the instinctive laws of self-preservation and survival must be supportive to the goal of freedom and peace. Thus, we must come to the practical realisation, that the only viable government system is Democracy, and the only true belief is Love, Freedom, and Peace, and the only philosophy of wholesome value is practical spiritual caring feeling… Threefold are Cosmic Realisation- Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Consciousness. Threefold are Cosmic Understanding- Material, Emotional, and Intelligent Spiritual Feeling. Threefold are Cosmic Creativity- Imagination, Effort, and Logic. Threefold are Cosmic Vision- Instinctive, Extended, and Intuition.

Genius is the recognised state, which the majority agrees is above the normal state of current existence. Genius of today can be the average of tomorrow. Genius is the state of advanced awareness, talent, and execution of activity. With this understanding, society can advance; there are no limits, except those boundaries, which we impose upon ourself.

W.J. states… “A Pragmatist turns his back resolutely and once for all upon a lot of inveterate habits dear to professional philosophers. He turns away from abstraction and insufficiency, from verbal solutions, from bad ‘a priori’ reasons, from fixed principles, closed systems, and pretended absolutes and origins. He turns towards concreteness and adequacy, towards facts, towards action and towards power… it means the open air and possibilities of nature, as against dogma, artificiality, and the pretence of finality in truth… at the same time it does not stand for any special results. It is a method only.” (i)

This needs to be emphasised: ‘Pragmatism is a Method only’.

From this understanding, we come to realise that philosophy, as an entity too often becomes non-existent, being lost in an endless proliferation of opinionated concepts, which lack substantiated fact. Pragmatism cannot support such wandering misguidance, and false knowledge. In such mindless transportation of literature which cloud reality, practicality does not exist, thus much of philosophy is valueless and can be discarded. In this light of awareness, we must recognise that this is the real reason for the average person’s lack of interest in philosophy. The floating concepts of philosophy are abundant with controversial conflicting ideologies, much of which does not make scientific sense, logical sense, or practical sense. Such mindless aberrations, are not of any practical value during every day existence, and often have the same backward thoughts as Zen riddles, which start nowhere and end nowhere. It is obvious that the Rationalisation, Pragmatisation, and Simplification of Philosophy are needed, and that Caring Spiritual Feeling must link this process to Truth and Cosmic Consciousness. All of which must be the United Guiding Light of Existence, which Expands towards Good, Order and Direction, the Way of Love, Freedom, and Peace.

The quest for truth has been as far back as the dawn of written language, the single most motivating force behind mankind’s journey through the ages. Searching for self-realisation, an explanation of the unexplainable, seeking insight into the reason for existence, striving to resolve his or her identity, meaning and purpose, many persons have struggled for answers. Some moved closer towards truth, whilst others drifted in desperation towards extremism, and yet others gave up the quest in despair, whilst others chose indifference and never tried.

The Scholar of Life sometimes feels trapped by the driving force deep inside him, which urges him to continue his research. He often yearns to be freed from his persistent quest. “I cannot help but feel,” he thinks, “that those persons who simply enjoy life, love, and friendship in peace, bending with the wind, avoiding confrontation and involvement with religion, politics and philosophy; those persons, I suspect, are the real winners of existence, but I guess this is only true, if they truly do feel inner peace.”

“Unfortunately, too many peace-loving, nice-natured persons are dragged down by depressive, venomous, criticising, gossiping, nagging, alleging, greedy, materialistic, dishonest persons who plague their nice natures with abuse, deceit, and demand, with one conflict after another. The spiritual strength of peace-loving persons is constantly tested by persecution; many genuine caring persons fall prey to the pressures of evil, their sensitivity and awareness destroyed, they drift into mindless oblivion, aimless in meaning and purpose.” Reality dawns, the right quest for truth can help sensitive souls like that of the Scholar; control their emotional needs, their physical drives, and their questioning hearts. Through spiritual expansion, sensitivity can spread itself into dimensions beyond all reason, where imagination is a reflection, of the past, and creative expression is a tool of transition, and cosmic instinct, the energy of intuition, is the source of destiny. In this state of infinite guidance, the reality of all existence reverses itself, and the dawn of ancient instinct once more reveals its reality. The quest for truth, the reality of motivation, the reality of the source, the reality of the reflection, the reality of good, the reality of order, the reality of direction; the ever-changing force of all existence, flowing through the universe of threefold cosmic projection. Behold life and God and the Creation… the Mind of God Cosmic Consciousness expands within, and unfolds without, past self into infinity.

William James says… “The Universe has always appeared to the natural mind as a kind of enigma, of which the key must be sought in the shape of some illuminating or power-bringing word or name. That word names the Universe’s principle, and to possess it, is after a fashion to possess the Universe itself. ‘God,’ ‘Matter,’ ‘Reason,’ ‘The Absolute,’ ‘Energy,’ are so many solving names. You can rest when you have them. You are at the end of your metaphysical quest.” (i)

William James continues… “But if you follow the Pragmatic Method, you cannot look on any such word as closing your quest. You must bring out of each word its practical cash-value, set it at work within the stream of your experience. It appears less as a solution, then, than as a program for more work, and more particularly as an indication of the ways in which existing realities may be changed.” (i)

Through this cosmic flow of thought, W.J. reveals the value of Pragmatic Method, which seeks truth by practical review of both points of view. Pragmatism strives to be objective. Pragmatism chooses the Way (Tao) of Action (Karman) which first considers the Result (Karma) of Action (Karman). Pragmatism selects practical advantage and rejects the way of theory and dogma, which lacks objectivity and practicality. A concept must have practical applicability, which supports moral values and creative visualisation. Empiricism assumes that all insight and knowledge is derived from experience through observation, experiment, trial and error, and that the mind is incapable of conceiving concepts in advance of experience. Whilst the application of Empiricism is true with some learnt skills it is also pragmatically true that experience and personnel development is not totally dependent upon experience, one may grow through vision, intuition, and the 7th Power of creativity. Intuition may identify moral truths, and wholesome values, which are pragmatically necessary to the quality of existence, and which instinctively satisfies the inner cosmic driving force of conscience created by intuitive awareness. Rationalism relies on reason alone to justify one’s own beliefs and actions. Empiricism, Intuitionism, and Rationalism, cannot stand-alone. All three concepts are valid aspects of thought, and essential to the development of action, but all three concepts are also finally dependent upon the unifying stability of pragmatic application, and wholesome result needs the injection of caring feeling which is Cosmicism. All stands together as one. Nothing shall be divided. So, it is… Empiricism, Intuitionism, and Rationalism cannot successfully stand-alone for too long a period. The plight of all three shall always trend towards failure and defeat without Pragmatism. Yes, even Pragmatism cannot survive without Carespirit, the way of Cosmicism. The Complete Universal Picture of Existence comes through the Cosmic Spirit and is only true when united with Pragmatism. The Cosmic Spirit links to the Source of Natural Light, the Revelation, which expands upon its own Reflection, and knows no limits. The Reservoir of Knowledge is Infinite and forever expands.

‘Cosmicism and Pragmatism are Comrades- one cannot exist without the other.’

Theory can sometimes be valid, Dogma can sometimes be wholesome, Tradition and Ceremony can sometimes be worthwhile, but again this all is only true through the unity of Pragmatism and Cosmicism. Many persons throughout the universe are Cosmicists. But they have never been able to identify their spiritual feelings in a pragmatic way, which correctly labels their true self and inner being. Now they can not only know thyself, they can also reveal to others what they are- without constant deep explanations, for their true being as Cosmicists, reveals who and what they are.

Logic and facts are important, research is essential, but objectives must have integrity, be pragmatic and non-violent, worthwhile and wholesome, in contribution and benefit to humanity, either directly or indirectly. What benefit is gained in mankind’s quest for truth, when each new generation in their ignorance by stupidity, avoids the facts and the lessons of history, and foolishly reinvents the wheel of activity, thus repeating the same erroneous actions again and again? Experiments, concepts, and debates, evolving in clouds of illusion, never being able to see through the fog, ideas never resolved, constantly challenged by speculation, trial and error. Actions void of simple pragmatic applications. Visions lacking natural light. Prejudice emotionalism, and laziness, refusing to make the effort to see the Cosmic Light of Truth, refusing to learn from the errors of history. Such is the stupidity of many selfish uncaring persons who live only for their own vanity, and self-promoted image, which exists in a shallow pool of mud, without any hope of gaining clarity- because in truth, deep down they are insecure, and hide behind their self-created illusion, afraid to face head-on their true self.

To see the light and advance forward, we must use the way of pragmatism, and feel the power of caring for all of humanity, including, Asian, Black and White. The idea of race supremacy is not practical and is self-destructive. We must learn to live together. Or we will perish all together, around the globe in our own self-created holocaust, which will start through civil war within every society; every nation destroyed from within, imploding upon itself, until finally the nations are destroyed by invasion, exploding.

Corporations and government, new age and social sciences, religion and politics, too often flounder in the misuse of logic and so-called facts. Claimed plain truth, which is too often, false knowledge driven by theists, empiricists, and rationalists, who limit themselves to visions, missions and actions, which achieve little in return for effort, and only serve to add volumes of confusion to an already confused world. Management and systems theory, propositions and speculations, faith and belief, convictions and obsessions, dogma and militancy, founded upon textbook dictum, canned concepts and organisational decree, reflects a confused reality, creating overly complex struggles which are totally unnecessary when simplicity is the real solution, and is achieved only by pragmatic application. Facts may seem to be true, but facts do not necessarily represent pragmatic truth, worthwhile truth and wholesome truth.

If there is no pragmatic use, no wholesome value or benefit, or worthwhile gain, which supports the way of integrity and ahimsa, then such ideas make such claimed facts useless. Some misguided ideas may be interesting, but they are useless; the wiser use their energy on the critical path of basic survival, and serve only methods, which enhance the quality of existence for all of humanity. If others cannot survive, neither will you. No one is going to allow themselves to perish to your advantage. This is a pragmatic fact. All effort, energy, and action should be directed into activities, which inspire good, order, and direction. The true meaning of existence, its purpose and our real identity unfolds when we always act with a kind, considerate and caring heart. The power of result begins with caring- this is pragmatic.

The cycle of existence can revolve, round and around in circles. Opinions based upon believed logic and claimed statistical facts can revolve round and around in circles, seemingly true, very convincing, persuasive and believable concepts, yet are but illusions. How do we get off this merry-go-round? Pragmatism is an excellent tool, but only through natural spiritual feeling for the values of love, freedom, and peace, can we steer ourselves away from illusion, into the reality of the right way to achieve true good, order and direction, that which is the heart of the source.

Equally as important in the quest for truth, are empiricist exploration, rationalist examination, and intuitionist moral sense, all lead by pragmatic application. However, none of these considerations can successfully standalone if they are not supported by poetic philosophy, that state of spiritual feeling which opens the soul to the path of natural light. Theories become a tool of the quest for truth, empiricism becomes a stumbling awakening, rationalism becomes a stabilising influence, intuitionism becomes a guiding direction, and pragmatism becomes the practical application. Creativity is the link; spiritual feeling strengthens all combined; so, it is… the true motivational inspiration is carespirit.

Threefold is all revelation. The religious term’s father, son, and Holy Spirit, are not true states of existence defining their dictionary meaning, but rather is illustrative language defining a non-existent reality. A universal state of threefold power does exist, but not in this form; it is interesting to note that even religion is subconsciously linked to threefold thoughts, but unfortunately it rejects this natural awareness leading itself down the path of self-created illusions, reams of false knowledge. Real threefold power is that, in which all things are interdependent and related to each other, active within each other, and latent within each other. That moving infinite state of threefold existence where matter, energy and spirit are all compositions of each other’s changing form within sempiternal chaos, throughout the universe.

“Theories,” writes William James, “thus become instruments, not answers to enigmas in which we can rest. We don’t lie back upon them, we move forward, and, on occasions, make nature over again by their aid. Pragmatism unstiffens all our theories, limbers them up and sets each one at work.” (i)

Pragmatism reveals its value as a tool, a technique in all wholesome Cosmicist thought. Start with a touch of first time Empiricist research, add a touch of Rationalist logic guided by Intuitionist moral sense, inspired by ‘Caring spiritual feeling, and finally apply Pragmatism to strengthen common sense, and sift out illusion, misguidance, and false knowledge. Armed with this method, you have a potent technique of immeasurable talent, infinite in potential exposition, infinitesimal in past insight, transitory in its unfolding cosmic instinct, dynamic in movement, and sempiternal in its goal. Past all self, past all instinct, past all emotion, Cosmicist Intuitionist, Pragmatic Rationalism, Empiricist Questionalization, becomes the constant dual threefold link to all expansive cosmic consciousness. Revelation unfolds slowly, steadily and accurately unto those persons who follow this practical feeling for insight and results.

Questionalization is the infinite, endless, quest for truth, never finding the last truth; questionalization expands upon itself, forever seeking, forever asking, and forever knocking, upon cosmic consciousness, constantly discovering new levels of exposition.

 Questionalization cycles upon itself. Passing from the source of cosmic consciousness, to the reflection of cosmic consciousness, bouncing back to the forever expanding source of cosmic insight, questionalization traverses the three states of existence, the infinitesimal, the finite, and the infinite.

William James reveals the strength of pragmatic resolve when he states that Pragmatism- “agrees with nominalism for instance, in always appealing to particulars; with utilitarianism in emphasising practical aspects; with positivism in its disdain for verbal solutions, useless questions and metaphysical abstractions” … “all these, you see, are anti-intellectualist tendencies. Against Rationalism as a pretension and a method Pragmatism is fully armed and militant, but, at the outset, at least, it stands for no particular results. It has no dogmas, and no doctrines save its method.(i)

In the eternal battle for understanding, a search through the corridors of Materialism, Intellectualism, and Spiritualism, reveals many conflicting theories and expositions of self-evident fact, which seems true to all our instincts, past experiences, and current perceptions, but, is false knowledge. In this enigma of challenging choices, our direction faces forked confusion and for quick resolution, human instinct often rises to the surface and chooses a way that satisfies our primary, needs, preferences and fantasies. Logic becomes secondary, emotion first cause and spiritual feeling, pragmatism, and common sense all rejected takes one backslide into intangible misguided displacement.

Wrong choices may temporarily satisfy our needs, but in the end, they will whiplash our emotions and our personal stability and security and deny us the very primary needs we sought to fulfil. Worst to come, wrong choices may inadvertently stab us in the back, and bring upon ourself our own self-destruction. Without carespirit, moral sense and values, and without pragmatism and common sense, we will surely perish. Tempt fate with wrong action and destiny will turn full circle against us. We must change our mindset and avoid paths of reckless stupidity, by living in the light.

Thus, the stage of changing course is set; until the full wheel of existence revolves completely, returning to the point of origin where three circles of realisation may collide with each other, we will never be ready for the ultimate extension past self into the next realm of cosmic beauty. To avoid a collision course with destiny, humanity must wisely learn to use pragmatic application with carespirit, ahimsa feeling.

 J. states… “No particular results then, so far, but only an attitude of orientation, is what the Pragmatic Method means. The attitude of looking away, from first things, principles, ‘categories,’ supposed necessities; and of looking towards last things, fruits, consequences, facts.” (i)

We can view the reality of all thought and all opinion through Karma (Result, Consequence). In truth, there are not always only two points of opposing view, such as right or wrong, there are three points of view in all cosmic thought, right, wrong and the third way; the alternative- that for humanity to find out; a flow of reality, a state of existence, a sometimes seemingly transient illusion, which can open the spirit to new horizons of cosmic insight. So, it is through the power of vision and creative visualisation new cosmic consciousness dawns; daylight expands, revelation unfolds between right and wrong, a dimension of insight beyond self…reveals its true existence. Inspired by inner peace, caring spiritual feeling, right and wrong meet the third way. Untold facts come forward. Practical solutions evolve. Insight extends beyond belief. Awareness grows forever, never knowing any limits. The quest through the eye of the probe sees its own sense- instinct intuition takes possession. Questionalization never content travels forward, no end in sight, no final truth, forever seeking, forever learning, forever asking, forever knocking, forever choosing, forever never saying no to impossible, questionalization lives the third alternative past present self.

“Pragmatism,” William James wrote, “may be a happy harmoniser of empiricist ways of thinking with the more religious demands of human beings.” (i) To this flow of thought, it shall be said by the Scholar of Life throughout the pages of history, “Cosmicism is the flow of life living inner peace in a spirit of caring feeling for God, Gaia, and Humanity; a conviction which lives in the light of threefold awareness and Practices the Way of Pragmatic Ahimsa without surrender.”

William James has certainly become the father of Pragmatism, for though history contains a list of pragmatic philosophers, and W. J is not the originator of the word ‘Pragmatism,’ nevertheless, it was William James who expanded the method of pragmatic philosophy to unearth the realistic state of unbiased truth. Although devoted to facts, pragmatic method also reviews abstractions and theories of opposing alternatives.

William James defines pragmatism as…A mediator and reconciler… that unstiffens our theories. She has in fact no prejudices whatever, no obstructive dogmas, no rigid canons of what shall count as proof. She is completely genial. She will entertain any hypothesis, she will consider any evidence… in short, she widens the field of search for God. Rationalism sticks to logic and the empyrean. Empiricism sticks to the external senses. Pragmatism is willing to take anything, to follow either logic or the senses and to count the humblest and most personal experiences. She will count mystical experiences if they have practical consequences… her only test of probable truth is what works best in the way of leading us, what fits every part of life best and combines with the collectivity of experiences, demands, nothing being omitted.” (i)

Thus, concludes the overview of William James Pragmatic conviction, a valid conviction used by Cosmicism. Through the pages of William James essays, we come to recognise the power of his revelation by feeling for practical need and resolution of endless conflicts of thought. We can visualise and use a practical method called Pragmatism, which will enable all philosophers to minimise and simplify their verbose theories and factual presentations. Add a dash of spontaneity and a poetic flood of feeling, and we gain a practical universal formula, which will enable philosophy to advance in the right direction of order, leading to good revelation. Truth unfolds with the right exposition.

It came to pass…

The Scholar rang several different bookstores trying to obtain a copy of a book of philosophy. One sales clerk suggested to the Scholar… “Maybe that type of thinking isn’t popular anymore.”

“What Pragmatism?” the Scholar questioned.

“Well,” the young lady on the other end of the phone answered, “it probably isn’t in fashion anymore.”

Returning the telephone receiver to its rightful place, the Scholar walked away from these remarks feeling estranged by this misguided statement. The Scholar thought unto himself, “Just how does knowledge, truth and awareness become fashion? What type of mindless society could develop this type of upside down backward attitude? What hope is there for mankind when such negative thoughts prevail?”

“Philosophy is more important than any other subject apart from language, which will always throughout all eternity, be priority number one. All human existence, all knowledge, including religion, politics, science, mathematics, business, law and social thought is founded upon philosophy. It is the substance, the challenge, the guide, and the awakening of all existence; philosophy is the key to human survival… only stupidity would reject its foundation with disinterest and indifference.”

Determined, the Scholar continued his quest and travelled further into the world of philosophy only to find that truth laid in the simple joys of life with family and children. Denying himself the happiness of this ignorant bliss, the Scholar came to realise that the real losers of antiquity are those philosophers, theists, atheists, and political activists who live in the thoughts of the past, the present, and the future. For through their evanescent travel, they never find a resting place, and always float in the dimension of ‘transient time’, for their insight is always one step ahead, and their past experiences is always one step behind, and their present lies in their past and their destiny. They never find the final revelation, for as their knowledge grows and advances, so too does their thirst increase until the dryness strengthens. Like bonds of leather firm around the throat, moist enthusiasm, once dampened by desire, soon begins to dry out growing tighter and tighter, squeezing the life out of the researcher, activist and exponent until they pay the supreme penalty of early expiration. The question then lies unanswered… is the quest for truth a futile exercise? Is the simple at heart wiser? What then is life?

What is the meaning and purpose of life? Perhaps in truth it is a passing phase with no reason, no objective, just a moment of mere chance, nothing more, nothing less.

Perhaps Balfour’s words are the summary of all truth…

“The energies of our system will decay, the glory of the sun will be dimmed, and the earth, tideless and inert, will no longer tolerate the race which has for a moment disturbed its solitude. Man will go down into the pit, and all his thoughts will perish. The uneasy consciousness, which in this obscure corner has for a brief space broken the contented silence of the universe, will be at rest. Matter will know itself no longer. ‘Imperishable Monuments’ and ‘Immortal Deeds’ death itself, and love stronger than death, will be as if they had not been. Nor will anything that is, be better or worse for all that the labor, genius, devotion, and suffering of man have striven through countless ages to effect.” (i)

And so, the Scholar leaves this plain of thought with a deeper knowledge and understanding as revealed by God of Creation that all existence reverses itself…

Evolving from one state of nothing, life in its transitory reflection returns to the origin of its source, the state of nothing to begin the cycle again- when memory expires, the civilisation vanishes without a trace… the infinite laws of existence remain once more intangible, once more undefined, waiting for a new realm of cosmic awakening, when a new form of life evolves, the spirit, the revelation… one gone… one to come.

Nothing remains forever…


(i) JAMES, WILIAM (1842–1910) PRAGMATISM AND FOUR ESSAYS FROM THE MEANING OF TRUTH by William James … Meridian Books Inc. New York. Excerpts: From Lecture Two- ‘What Pragmatism Means’. From Lecture Three- ‘Some Metaphysical Problems Pragmatically Considered’. This edition was first published in 1975 in the United States of America. William James wrote a range of interesting material during the decade before and after the beginning of the 20th First read by Allan Ivarsson in 1985. ‘Solid reading but a must-have book, in every library to increase insight’.

(ii) Additional note added by author in 2010…

 In the original test pilot, Blue Light book published in 2003, which the author removed from sale in 2010 and shall not ever be released again. The word ‘Metteyyism,’ was constantly used to describe ‘Blue Light Philosophy’. Between 2003 to 2009, Blue Light A to Z philosophy, coined ‘Cosmic Philosophy’ in 1988 by author, was reviewed by the author and renamed ‘Blue Light Cosmic Philosophy’ in 2007, which more accurately defined the type of philosophy, which evolved from 1984 to 2010. This cosmic philosophy was renamed more accurately as ‘Cosmicism’ in 2007. Cosmicism is the synonym of ‘Metteyyism’. The word ‘Metteyyism’ will always be a valid alternative word, but it will become rarely used. The word ‘Cosmicism’ more accurately describes ‘Blue Light Cosmic Philosophy’, and its link to ‘Blue Light Essence’. Allan Ivarsson, author-founder, as encouraged by nameless ‘God of Creation’, through automatic channelling, made this decision.

Author’s original note dated 1986…

(iii) Kahlil Gibran was brilliant with this style; perhaps for all time, he will be classified as one of the best writers in this style. I believe he is the best. If I could write half as well as Gibran, I would value that result as an achievement, how many of us possess a level of cosmic sensitivity, and awareness beyond self, which was natural spiritual feeling, within Gibran. His insight was indeed a gift from GOD of Creation.






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