Birds are an essential part of Planet Gaia/Earth Ecology.

Millions of Birds are being Murdered by Wind Farms.

The extinction of Birds would destroy our Planet balance and allow the insect world to conquer our planet. Animals human and non-human would not survive well on a Planet ruled by Insects.

Using ‘Philosophical Intelligence’ I have outlawed the building of large ‘Wind Turbines’ on land and in the sea. ‘Renewable Energy’ is not justified when it destroys natural important life ecological balance on land, on the sea and in the air.

I know millions of people don’t care about the destruction of wildlife and the pollution of our planet, but those inferior thinking selfish uncaring idiots must be overruled.

Clearing thousands of acres of land eliminating trees and wildlife is offensive action. Threatening marine life ecology by building wind turbines in the seas is wrong thinking and behaviour.

There are wiser better other ways to create ‘Renewable Energy’ and ‘Clean Green Energy’.

Allan Ivarsson 2022 (now 73 years of age.)

Founder, director, chairman of ‘things to come’ called ‘Cosmicism’. The way of ‘Blue Light Cosmic Philosophy’, the way of ‘Cosmic Libertarianism’ which uses the most advanced intelligence in the Universe called ‘Philosophical Intelligence’.

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Wisdom, Birds & Wind Farms

These words, this wise message by Anthony Hopkins reflects the way I lived. I always throughout my life walked away from troublesome people, I don’t need them in my life. I reject ‘Gossip’ and refuse to be caught in the flow of opinions about the personal lives of other people that are not harming anyone. I dislike ‘Gossip’ magazines about famous people, their peaceful life and relationships is their business, not mine.

I am interested in peoples philosophies and belief systems, that is how we learn right and wrong, true and false, just and unjust, good and bad, wise and foolish. By sharing wisdom and knowledge we can help each other. To learn we must listen and read and share insight.

A dynamic life is far better than living in a cocoon mentality.

I believe in ahimsa altruistic kindness, courtesy, consideration, ethics, honour and chivalry, gentleness with good-spirited people and toughness of mind when dealing with dishonest individuals and bullies, traitors and cowards.

If people choose the road of apathy that is their handicap, their stupidity and we cannot help people that do not want to learn and do not have any sense of decency. Karma will deal with the foolish, we cannot save people that refuse to strive to do the right thing.

I am not impressed by people who panic like coward ‘Climate Change’ Activists void of common-sense.

I have a zero tolerance of users, abusers, bullies and despots. There is no place for anti-freedom ideologies in the Universe. Dictatorship, authoritarian belief systems and fixed dogma illogical demands must be phased out of the Universe.

The best path is the dynamic path, founded on the eternal right to ‘Freedom of Speech’, ‘Freedom of Choice’ and ‘Freedom of Equality’ provided such ‘Freedom’ does not ‘Abuse Freedom Privilege’ and deny others the right to live free.

People have a natural right to Strike for better wages and work safety and health conditions.

People have the right to demonstrate for their right to live free from all unjust tyrannical laws. But they do not have the right to demonstrate on streets, roads and in parks denying people the right to ‘Freedom of Movement’ for any cause that should by common-sense be resolved through Seminars and meeting halls.

People have the right to ‘Annual Parades’ as approved by Governments and Convoys of Transport to share an important message, which does not block peoples right to freedom of movement.

People do not have the right to block freedom of movement by ‘Prayer in Public Places’, such behaviour is an Abuse of ‘Freedom Privilege’.

Can selfish inconsiderate activists on the streets understand the importance of saying “No” to demonstrations which deny people freedom of movement? Many cannot and must be forcibly arrested and jailed in accordance with the rules of a wholesome good society.

The best way I can help people in my crippled old age is as a mentor ‘Cosmic Philosopher’ thus as Social Capital’, I give my Seventy Years plus dynamic experience to others for free, to help others, just as my reading of wisdom philosophy when I was once young helped me.

Allan Ivarsson 2022

Ps. The ‘Cosmic Laws’ and ‘Philosophical Rules of Wisdom and Decency’ I table are not enforced by me. I don’t need to. They are enforced by Karma. There are consequences/results when people disobey common-sense wisdom. If people cannot keep up with me that is their problem, not mine. Intellectually lazy people are their own enemy. All I can do is pass forward, sharing knowledge and information, but if they refuse to read, they are the loser, not me. We cannot hold peoples hand; they must make the persistent effort to learn or lose.

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Allan Ivarsson comments… This letter moved me so much when I read it in a ‘Philosophical Book’ in the 1970’s, I said to myself, “this letter must be passed forward for new generations to read and share.”

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