AUSSIE CAUGHT in a Rip… at risk of Drowning.

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Improve your Quality of Life, Survival by Reading a Variety of Subjects. The more we know the less mistakes we will make.

Feature Image: Coalcliff Beach NSW Australia

When we were there in 1967 that Swimming Pool did not exist. And the Lifeguard were only there between September and April of each year. It was cold when two of us went into the water, which is why most people did not venture into the water.


When I was a young man of 18 years old in early May 1967 living in Sydney, I went with mates as I often did on surfing trips down south. On this day in Autumn the weather was cooler. And the ocean water at Coalcliff Beach was colder. People were on the beach, but no one would go into the water. There were no lifeguards around and no flags. The ocean looked lonely and quiet, on impulse I decided to charge into the light rolling surf. I didn’t realise it then, a sixteen-year-old boy followed me into the water.

We were the only one’s swimming around slightly out in deep water. When we decided to return to shore, we quickly discovered we could not return to shore and that we were caught in a rip, pulling us out to sea. There were no lifesavers we were on our own. The boy said to me, “what are we going to do?”. And I replied I read an article a year ago in a magazine, that if we are caught in a rip, we must not fight it. We must swim diagonal towards the nearest point and using breaststroke is wiser and uses less energy.” He looked at me for a silent moment with a concerned expression. And then I said, “Well let’s try it, we have nothing more to lose.”

I then remarked as I looked for the nearest point, I said, “I am swimming towards that point”. Later I learned that point location was called Coalcliff Park. The boy followed me, and we got lucky and were able to reach a location before the point and then had to walk across rocky terrain in parts that was hard on our feet, before we got back to Coalcliff Beach. And thus, our adventure ended, and we parted company. I then joined my driving companion mate and we headed for Thirroul, where I got hit over the head by my mate’s surfboard in the surf, when I fell off whilst riding it. After that we travelled further south and that is another story for someday.

The moral of the story it pays to read widely… it saved my life because that is what knowledge can do. The more we know and understand the wiser and more dynamic we can become. Never stop reading all subjects and never stop striving to learn more.

‘Philosophical Intelligence’ is the most advanced intelligence in the world. When backed by good communication skills a person with P.I. can defeat any person in academic battle that does not have P.I. Why? Because P.I. ‘Belief System’ is dynamic and very open minded and is not hamstrung by fixed dogma belief systems that flounder in illogical ideas.


The Four Seasons

Memories… Dolly Parton wrote a song for the Johnny – Carson Tonight Show 19th, September 1979 when I was only 30 years of age.

Allan Ivarsson commentsPeople are not free to speak and sing and to read and write on the Internet sharing ideas, right and wrong, good, and bad, true, and false, just, and unjust in Marxist Countries. All citizens of ‘Communist Nations’ are unjustly oppressed. Always oppose Marxist anti-freedom Communism with the contempt it deserves.

Never tolerate Marxist anti-freedom Socialism. Naïve people believe Socialism is a fair and just system; that idea is a lie.

Socialism is the founder of anti-freedom of speech ‘Political Correctness’ in the 1920’s in Europe, and foolish Religions are the founder of anti-freedom of speech ‘Blasphemy Law’. And all other forms of anti-freedom of speech laws are created by religious fanatics and by Marxist fanatics.

All anti-freedom of speech laws around the globe have been outlawed by ‘Philosophical Intelligence’ as instructed by ‘Cosmic Law’.

There was always Music in Dolly Parton’s families house as a child and adult in Tennessee, Population in 2018 was 6.770 million. She learned to sing as a Christian in Church and was the fourth child of twelve children. The history of Tennessee goes back as far as Davy Crockett (1786-1836 – Crockett died at the age of 49 years in ‘The Battle of the Alamo’ fighting for Texas against the ‘Totalitarian’ Mexican Army.)  and now Dolly Parton born 1946.

Paleo Native Americans hunted and lived in the land now called Tennessee 12,000 years ago.

Note: The prefix paleo comes from Greek adjective ‘palaios’ meaning “old” or “ancient” and is now part of English Language, called by Allan Ivarsson in 1991, ‘Gaia Language’ which means ‘Mother Earth Universal Language.’

The Dolly Parton Interview & Performance on Carson Show 22nd, November 1989, ten years after her above appearance in 1979. The video vanished but her words survived.

“If I do shine and radiate, I’d like to think that is God’s light and I’d like to pass that on.”

“Whether you believe in God or not, we need to believe in something bigger and better than what’s going on because we’re not doing too hot. We need to try to do a little better.”

Dolly Parton

Parton who “Grew up very Spiritual”, was quick to note that her intention is not to preach religion.” (i)


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