Even Bomb Explosion Tests is the Wrong Thing to Do

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Insanity… Missiles attacking Cities.

Even Bomb Explosion Tests is the Wrong Thing to Do

What about the destruction of Marine Life in the Ocean?


And what about Radioactive Particles from Nuclear Weapons Polluting Water and Marine Life?

(i) https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/nuclear-radiation-capable-travelling-far-26384245

“The radioactive particles from nuclear weapons can travel very far and last for a very long time. A recent study even found remnants of radioactive carbon from Cold War nuclear bomb tests in the deepest point of the world’s oceans.” (i)

A.I. comments… Even Bomb Explosion Tests is the wrong thing to do.

Fight against Nuclear Weapons to be continued…

Allan Ivarsson 2022 (now 73 years of age.)

Founder, director, chairman of ‘things to come’ called ‘Cosmicism’. The way of ‘Blue Light Cosmic Philosophy’, the way of ‘Cosmic Libertarianism’ which uses the most advanced intelligence in the Universe called ‘Philosophical Intelligence’.

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Internet note 2022… Nuclear Weapon Explosion – Simulation If exploded at the optimum height, therefore, a 10-megaton weapon, which is 1,000 times as powerful as a 10-kiloton weapon, will increase the distance tenfold, that is, out to 17.7 km (11 mi) for severe damage and 24 km (15 mi) for moderate damage of a frame house.

Under a Rainbow and through a Storm

Love and Trouble is an experience we all walk through at one point of time or another. No one can escape moments of stress, sadness, difficulty and hardship. Walking under a rainbow tells us about the natural beautiful moments of life. Walking through a storm tells us about the need of courage and calm. And the essential challenges we face tells us that at the end of our struggle, a rainbow will shine in one way or another.

Problems are just solutions when we live calm in peace.

But to enjoy Peace we must stop the ‘Habit of War’ and the ‘First Step’ is we must ban the manufacture of all Nuclear Weapons.

When someone talks about using ‘Nuclear Weapons’… we must exclaim, “No More!”

All ‘Nuclear Weapons’ must be eliminated forever on our planet.

Allan Ivarsson 2022

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